Has this student ever tutored at Bowie before?
Yes No
If this student has any siblings who have attended Bowie in the past, please list them:
Please check ONE of the following options:
*Regular Hourly Tutoring Rate: $70 per session Monthly 8-Session Bundle: $520/month ($65/session) Monthly 12-Session Bundle: $720/month ($60/session) Monthly 16-Session Bundle: $880/month ($55/session)
*Less than 8 sessions per month. Payment due weekly or at each session.
Bundles may not be split between siblings. Payment due in full at the beginning of each month. Once a bundle begins, no refunds may be issued for that month. Sessions may be canceled and rescheduled with a 24-hour notice. Make-up sessions must be scheduled to take place before May 1, 2025. After this date any missed session will be forfeited.
What subject(s) are you interested in pursuing?
Do you need us to provide curriculum? Yes No
ACADEMIC NEEDS: Please let us know anything that may help us to better prepare for your child's sessions.
MATH SUPPORT STUDENTS ONLY: Does your child's school use a specific math program, i.e., Eureka Match, IB Math, etc.?
Would you like online or in-person sessions?
Online In-person Prefer in-person but willing to go online if needed
Monthly Bundle Option
All sessions will begin on the first week of the month: two, three, or four times weekly, depending on your bundle choice. All sessions are scheduled through the last week of May before Memorial Day, unless otherwise requested.
If not thru end of May, what date would you like tutoring to end?
Preferred Tutoring Times
Please choose your preferences for days and times that your child is available for tutoring. PLEASE MARK AS MANY OPTIONS AS POSSIBLE to allow us to coordinate your child with their best suited tutor.
3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm
3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm
3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm
3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm
Friday (online only)
3pm 4pm 5pm
Saturday (online only)
9am 10am 11am 12pm 1pm
HOW DID YOU HEAR about Bowie Tutoring?(Check as many as apply)
Word of Mouth Internet Search Educator Referral Medical Referral Advertisement
If you heard via Word of Mouth or Referral, please enter the person(s)'s name here so we can thank them: